Preventive Dental Care And Your Relative Cavity Risk

preventive-dental-care-and-your-relative-cavity-riskHow much control do you really have when it comes to adjusting your relative cavity risk? Your issues might be affected by matters you assume are not related to dental care. For instance, if you regularly suffer dry mouth, you could be at a higher risk, because saliva offers natural support against tooth decay. Daily actions like diet choices, brushing, and flossing can obviously have an impact on how likely you are to need restorative dental care. If you want to keep your cavity risk low – especially your risk for serious cavities – be sure you see your dentist for preventive appointments every six months. These appointments help you avoid problems, but they also help to stop problems before they grow too serious.

Why Should I See My Dentist Every Six Months?

Why is a six month time line recommended for patients? This span allows your dentist to catch a problem like tooth decay before you face complications. If enough time passes, a cavity can reach into your tooth’s pulp, and leave you feeling discomfort. Because dental visits offer you a professional cleaning, and allow your dentist to warn you if you have enamel damage that could become a cavity, they also make it easier to stay issue-free.

Other Benefits Of Preventive Care

Preventive care is about more than just stopping tooth decay. Being mindful of your oral health means working to care for your teeth, but it also requires care for your periodontal tissue. If gum disease is not addressed, you could find yourself dealing with complications, which can include a greater risk for tooth loss.