How Your Dentist Plans Personalized Invisalign Treatments

When is it a good idea for a patient to pursue Invisalign treatment? Invisalign aligners, like traditional metal braces, improve a person’s smile by correcting problems with the poor spacing and alignment of teeth. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed at any point during treatment, and they are easy to wear without drawing unwanted attention. At our Santa Monica, CA dental office, our patients can learn about what Invisalign can do for their appearance. With this corrective work, you can start showing off straighter teeth, you can enjoy a more uniform smile, and you can deal with embarrassing gaps and overlaps without traditional orthodontic treatment!

What Makes Someone A Good Candidate For Invisalign Treatment?

Many people who have mild to moderate problems with malocclusion, or poor smile alignment, can benefit from Invisalign treatment. These appliances help people close gaps, straighten our teeth that overlap, and generally improve your overall smile symmetry. At an evaluation, your dentist can let you know if Invisalign is right for you.

We Use Digital Imaging Technology To Help Us Plan Your Personalized Treatment

Thanks to our iTero digital scanner, we are able to closely measure patients’ teeth and oral structures. Those measurements help us plan the course of your corrective work, but they also provide details needed to make personalized aligners. Digital technology removes the need to create a plaster mold of someone’s bite, a process that people can find uncomfortable.

Other Cosmetic Dental Services We Offer

Is there a way for you to deal with poorly aligned teeth without Invisalign or metal braces? In some cases, we can recommend porcelain veneers for your treatment. Porcelain veneers are thin, durable shells that cap the fronts of teeth. When they are carefully designed and placed, they can cover up trouble with gaps and overlaps while also improving the color, shape, and general appearance of the teeth being restored. An additional benefit to choosing veneers is that they can give you the results you want in less time, so you can start showing off your improved smile sooner than you anticipated. In addition to services that change your appearance by addressing malocclusion and trouble with the shape and size of teeth, we do offer teeth whitening treatments for those who have concerns about discoloration but are not worried about other cosmetic problems.

Talk To Santa Monica Dental Arts About Invisalign Treatment!

Are you ready to finally address problems with poor spacing between teeth? Thanks to Invisalign treatment, you can resolve these issues without needing metal braces. To find out more about how Invisalign can help you, or to discuss other beneficial cosmetic treatments, pleaseĀ call Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA today at 310-395-1261.