Can Clear Braces Give Me More Confidence In My Smile?

With a bright, confident smile, you can feel more approachable, appear more attractive, and generally enjoy the benefits of higher self-esteem. For those who do not feel fully confident in the way that they look, the idea of showing off their smile can lead to negative feelings. Fortunately, there are a variety of cosmetic dental services available to directly address the flaws that hold people back from feeling comfortable with the way they look! Our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office is prepared to take on a number of esthetic concerns that patients have about the way they look. One option for treatment is corrective work with Invisalign or ClearCorrect braces. These appliances fix gaps and overlaps while making your overall experience with orthodontic work more discreet than one that involves traditional metal braces.

Do You Feel Like Hiding Your Smile Because Of Malocclusion?

Malocclusion issues can make people unhappy with the way they look because they can have conspicuous gaps or overlaps between teeth, or because they just generally feel unhappy with an asymmetrical smile. It should be noted that in addition to making you self-conscious about your appearance, these problems can actually interfere with your oral health by causing problems with your bite function! After a consultation to determine if clear braces are right for you, our practice can digitally measure your teeth and oral structures with our advanced imaging technology in order to plan your personalized corrective work.

Treating Gaps And Overlaps With Clear Braces

Gaps and overlaps can be fixed when you undergo treatment with Invisalign, or with ClearCorrect appliances. The aligners that you receive will be designed specifically to move your teeth into their optimal positions. They can be fitted in place or removed at any time by you, so they will not intrude when you clean your teeth or eat. With that said, you should wear them as often as possible to keep on track with your correction. Because they are so difficult to see when worn, you will not have to worry about them hurting your appearance for the duration of your adjustment!

What Can Porcelain Veneers Do To Improve Your Smile?

In some cases, we can restore teeth affected by malocclusion with porcelain veneers. There are several benefits for patients who choose this approach. One is that veneers can address other issues, like discoloration or dental damage, that orthodontic work will not resolve. Another is that your results will be available to you in less time. With that said, treatment with clear aligners provides lasting results that will not require any permanent modifications to your tooth structure.

Talk To Your Santa Monica, CA Dentist’s Office About Clear Braces

At Santa Monica Dental Arts, patients who are self-conscious about the way they look can review an array of options for cosmetic improvement! To learn more, call our dentist’s office in Santa Monica, CA today at 310-395-1261.