Cosmetic Issues You Can Avoid Through Preventive Dental Care

Many people gradually lose confidence in their smile because they start to notice changes that make teeth look older, less healthy, or less uniform. Some changes can be hard to avoid completely – after all, your teeth must continually break down and chew food, a process that creates real friction on them. With that said, the right approach to preventive dental care can help you avoid problems that might make cosmetic dental services necessary. In addition to responding to cosmetic problems, our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office can help you protect your teeth through consistent preventive dental care. Preserving your smile calls for more than just supporting your teeth. Problems with your periodontal health can cause changes that negatively impact the way you look, too!

Avoid Gum Recession With Effective Periodontal Care

A receding gum line will change your appearance by making teeth appear longer than they are, by exposing portions of your teeth normally hidden by periodontal tissues, and by making your smile seem asymmetrical. More than one problem can cause this issue. One thing to watch out for is aggressive teeth brushing, which also creates problems with dental wear and tear. Gum recession is also a symptom of gingivitis. If you show signs of poor periodontal health during a routine dental exam, we can recommend periodontal treatment to stop the issue and restore the health of your tissues.

The Right Habits Can Protect You Against Teeth Stains

Will you need to plan a teeth whitening treatment in order to show off bright, white teeth? For people who already have noticeable issues with stains, over the counter procedures may only offer limited results. In other words, this solution can be the right one if you are already upset with the color of your smile. If you are hoping to preserve the appearance of your teeth, smart habits can be beneficial. Consistent, thorough brushing will help you stop staining particles from gathering on your enamel. With that said, this may not be enough to fully prevent discoloration. Change your diet in order to cut back on products that stain teeth in order to stop future problems with your smile color.

Preventing Accumulated Dental Wear And Tear

Accumulated dental wear and tear can be traced back to aggressive brushing, habitual teeth grinding, or naturally weak enamel. Softer brushing is recommended, as you can remove plaque effectively without forceful movements. You should also be aware of the link between teeth grinding and stress. Controlling these negative feelings, and recognizing their physical effects, can help you take better care of your teeth!

Our Santa Monica, CA Dentist’s Office Can Help You Prevent Unflattering Smile Issues

Our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office has helped many people in and around our community maintain lovely teeth! For more information, please call Santa Monica Dental Arts at 310-395-1261.