The temperature is dropping and the harvest moon is bright, so that must mean one thing – the frightening fun of Halloween is upon us again! We all have fond memories of the chills and thrills of carving pumpkins dressing up as kids, and of course, coming home from a night of trick-or-treating with a bag that’s filled to the brim with candies and sweets of all shapes and sizes.
As adults, we certainly haven’t outgrown the fun of Halloween, but we are certainly concerned about all the sugar that comes from trick-or-treat candy – particularly the effect it can have on one’s teeth. That’s why our team at the office of Dr. Moeiz Koshki, DDS is happy to provide our patients and friends with some alternatives to Halloween candy that keeps the seasonal scares fun and healthy:
- Freeze-Dried Fruit Packs – Kids may be skeptical of fruit for Halloween, but once they taste the natural sweetness of crisp dried apples, cherries, bananas or mangoes, they’ll never miss the common artificial versions from major candy distributors.
- Pumpkin Seeds – Lightly-salted pumpkin seeds add a fun seasonal flair to the trick-or-treat snacks that kids will love. Your little monsters will never need to know they’re getting a major dose of important nutrients like magnesium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Trail Mix – For young chocoholics, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are a Halloween staple, but with individual packs of trail mix – often including peanuts, chocolate pieces, as well as other assorted fruits and nuts – you can show trick-or-treaters that organic, whole food options can be just as flavorful, without that sugar crash that comes afterwards.
- Packets of Cocoa Mix – Once Halloween is over, it won’t be long until the days turn cold, making hot cocoa the perfect option to get through the chilly November nights.
- Non-Edibles – Small novelty toys, spooky temporary tattoos, pennies, crayons or coloring books can all offer plenty of fun that can last far longer than any sweet ever would.
As a grown-up, you can enjoy the eerie, silly fun of Halloween, while still looking out for the health and welfare of your kids and those of your neighbors – and remember – once the night is over, don’t forget to schedule an appointment with Dr. Moeiz Koshki to keep your family’s teeth bright and healthy!