Porcelain Crowns Offer Lifelike Repair

santa monica crownsSometimes, a filling or bonding procedure will not be enough to repair a tooth and prevent complications like infection or tooth loss. But we can handle more severe oral health concerns with a porcelain dental crown. In today’s blog, your Santa Monica, CA, dentist talks about how we create and place our natural-looking porcelain crowns.

When a Tooth Needs Repair

A crown covers the tooth and allows our team to address a host of serious oral health issues, repairing the tooth and preventing major complications. For example, we could place one to address tooth decay too severe for a filling, or to repair a cracked or broken tooth. Placement could also add length to teeth worn down by bruxism (teeth grinding). We can correct overly large or misshapen teeth, and improve overall bite balance and chewing function too. If you have missing teeth, then one or two could support a dental bridge or one could restore a single tooth dental implant!

Creating a Custom Options

The key to a comfortable fit and a balanced bite, and a restoration that protects the tooth for years to come, is the custom nature of our restorations. To create one, our team will numb the tooth before we gently remove structure to make room for the completed restoration. We take detailed digital images and measurements of the tooth to create a 3D impression, one that enables us to custom-make the restoration. When the crown is ready, you will return for a visit so we can check the fit, make any necessary adjustments, and then place the crown with a powerful bonding agent, securing your new crown for years to come!

The Benefits of Porcelain and Zirconia

Our team opts for lifelike materials, so your new restoration will blend with your smile and last for years to come! For the side and rear teeth, which ensure greater bite forces and pressures on a daily basis, we could opt for zirconia. This offers the strength of metal and the appearance of porcelain. All-porcelain is perfect for the more front facing teeth, as this mimics the translucent nature of natural enamel. We shade them to blend with your tooth and offer a lifelike appearance.

If you have a damaged tooth, or one that hurts, then you may need a restoration. We want to offer results that look natural and help restore function and health to your smile again. If you have any questions about our porcelain restorations, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule Your Dental Repair

You can call Santa Monica Dental Arts in California at 310-395-1261 to schedule an appointment to start the process of restoring a smile and offering lifelike results.