Two Options For Professional Teeth Whitening

santa monica teeth whiteningWhen your teeth are stained, this can be a source of embarrassment. You can try over-the-counter treatment options, but they can often be less than stellar. But with professional teeth whitening, your Santa Monica, CA, dentist can brighten your smile by several shades, sometimes in only one visit!

The Causes of Your Unsightly Teeth Sains

What causes teeth stains to form on the surfaces of your teeth? For some, these could be due to poor oral hygiene, as lack of proper brushing and flossing can lead to plaque buildup that makes discoloration more visible. Foods with sugar and starch can also promote plaque. If you consume drinks with dark pigments, such as coffee, red wine, soda, and tea, this can discolor the surfaces of your smile too. Lack of professional cleanings can be a factor as well! Which is why as part of your treatment we will examine your smile to see which options are right for you based on the cause and severity of your discoloration!

Brighter Smiles in One Hour

We have an in-office teeth whitening treatment that can offer much brighter smiles in as little as one hour. If you need treatment in a short time frame before a big meeting, event, first dates or job interview, this could be the perfect option. When you arrive, we will place a special protective covering over the lips and gums before we apply the bleaching gel to the surfaces of the teeth. We then activate the gel with a special light, which then breaks up and removes stains so you can enjoy a much brighter smile in a shorter time frame.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

If you have more severe discoloration, we could recommend our take-home teeth whitening treatment. You will stop by the office so we can take impressions of your smile and craft a set of custom plastic trays, which we send home with you. We also provide several plastic syringes of bleaching gel. At home, you add gel to the trays and wear them for an amount of time we specify, usually 30 to 45 minutes a day. The trays ensure your finished results are even across your smile, and prevent the gel from being diluted by saliva. For some, teeth could be eight shades brighter! You can keep the trays and any leftover gel should you need touch-ups in the months to come.

If you have any questions about how we brighten smiles with our professional teeth whitening treatments, then reach out to our team today to schedule a visit. Let’s start summer with a brighter smile!

Schedule Your Cosmetic Treatment

You can call Santa Monica Dental Arts in California at 310-395-1261 to schedule an appointment to obtain a bright and shining smile with our cosmetic treatment options, such as teeth whitening and even custom porcelain veneers.