We Can Offer A Personalized Approach To Cosmetic Dental Care

One person’s concerns about their smile may be wildly different from the concerns you currently have about your appearance. With that in mind, it can be easy to understand why a general approach to cosmetic dental work would have limited appeal to patients! At our Santa Monica, CA dental practice, we want to understand your goals for smile improvement, and we want to help you by making those improvements as attainable as possible. After discussing what you would like to change through cosmetic treatment, we can recommend the appropriate treatment that best fits you, while also helping you complete treatment in the shortest time possible!

What Smile Changes Would You Like To Make?

Are your concerns centered around the color of your teeth, or are you more worried about teeth that appear damaged or misshapen? Are you concerned that your smile appears unattractive because your teeth appear to be poorly aligned? Before moving forward with a dental procedure, we can take the time to talk with you and learn what your smile concerns are. With this information, we can discuss the treatment options available to you. When outlining your options, we can help you find the most convenient, conservative procedure to make all of your desired changes.

How Long Will It Take To Complete Your Treatment?

The time it takes to complete dental work for patients can vary based on their current problems, and based on the type of treatment we recommend. If you are interested in making your smile brighter, we can arrange a teeth whitening treatment that produces results in as little as one appointment! For patients who want to cover up flaws that affect the shape or size of their teeth, we can discuss work with porcelain veneers to dramatically improve the look of their teeth. Porcelain veneers only occupy the front of teeth, so most of your dental structure is not affected by their placement, and they can typically be fixed in place after just two appointments!

We Can Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces!

If your problems with your smile include concerns with the alignment of your teeth, we can help you make improvements that will not require metal braces. By using Invisalign aligners, or ClearCorrect aligners, we can gradually move your teeth with clear appliances that are easy to remove. These aligners have impressed many patients who wanted to do something about gaps and overlaps in their smile, but worried too much about life with metal braces to discuss a correction.

Discuss Your Goals For Cosmetic Work With Dr. Koshki!

At our Santa Monica, CA dental practice, Dr. Koshki is ready to help patients who want to show off lovelier, brighter teeth! If you would like to learn more, call Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA today at 310-395-1261.