Work To Restore Your Dental Health Can Help Your Smile

man happy to show off an attractive smileWill a solution to an oral health problem mean the end of your smile as you know it, or is there a way to deal with dental trouble while preserving your appearance? At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we understand how valuable it can be to have dental work that can keep you happy with the way you look. Because of this, we are able to provide work to restore unhealthy teeth, or replace teeth that have been lost, with lifelike dental restorations. While patients can be happy to see that a restoration like a porcelain dental crown is able to preserve the way they look, they can also be happy to know that it can restore their oral health and bite function!

The Condition Of Your Smile Can Affect Your Health And Confidence

Even if it provides lasting support, it may be difficult to feel excited about a restoration if you expect it to change the way you look. While metal dental crowns and dental fillings have been used in the past, and may the only treatment options provided at other practices, we do offer these appliances made from lifelike materials. In addition to matching the look of your healthy tooth, a dental filling supplied at our practice can bond with your enamel to provide lasting support!

Restoring Damaged Or Unhealthy Teeth With Porcelain Dental Crowns

If you have a tooth that has been damaged by physical trauma, or affected by a severe cavity, your dentist can recommend treatment with a porcelain dental crown. The porcelain material that is used to take care of the tooth can match the color and texture of your surrounding teeth, so it can fit in without drawing undesired attention. In addition to preserving your smile, the support from your crown can allow you to bite and chew without difficulty or discomfort.

Dealing With Unsightly Tooth Loss

Tooth loss can be a serious cosmetic issue as well as a big oral health concern. At our practice, we can talk with patients affected by tooth loss about using a dental implant to permanently hold a lifelike restoration. This approach to prosthetic care can give you back a confident smile while also helping with your dental function. Over time, the implant holding your appliance can stimulate your jawbone, which can help you by stopping the bone from deteriorating.

Your Santa Monica, CA Dentist’s Office Can Help Restore Your Smile And Oral Health!

At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, individuals who are worried about their oral health and appearance because of dental trouble can be relieved to learn that we offer lifelike restorations. Once the appropriate care is taken, your tooth can be restored so that it remains healthy, attractive, and able to contribute to your bite function. To find out more, contact Santa Monica Dental Arts at 310-395-1261.