Dental Visits And Gum Disease Prevention

There are several reasons why you should keep to a commitment to see your dentist on a regular basis. One is that when you do so, you can count on protection against gum disease. Problems with this condition can be more serious than you realize, which is why timely intervention is beneficial. At a routine dental exam, our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office can provide support for patients who have issues with gingivitis. When a more serious problem with gum disease needs to be dealt with, we can recommend that you meet with our on-site specialist to ensure that you receive the right support!

Gingivitis Can Be Treated Before Gum Disease Becomes A Problem For You

You should be concerned about gingivitis, and you should see to it that it is dealt with if it becomes a problem for you. With that said, the good news is that when this condition is addressed, it can be reversed, and your gums can return to good health without creating long-term issues for you. Your infection can be addressed with a special cleaning that removes bacteria from the roots of teeth so that they can no longer create trouble for you. If your review reveals that you already have a more serious issue with an infection, we can provide more involved options for care to help prevent potentially serious complications.

Managing Your Periodontal Health During A Routine Visit

During a routine dental appointment, your gums and teeth are checked for signs of trouble. Gingivitis is certainly something that our practice watches out for, and by identifying and treating it, we can prevent more serious issues from affecting you. A cleaning to remove bacteria from the roots of your teeth can give tissues time to heal, which can lead to the restoration of their full health before there are permanent damages that need to be addressed.

Our On-Site Specialist Can Help You Manage Gum Disease

If your review reveals that you have a more serious periodontal condition, a meeting with an on-site specialist can lead to treatment in less time. Your options for advanced care include services that use lasers to help make procedures more comfortable.

Talk To Your Santa Monica, CA Dentist About Preventing Gum Disease

If you are taking your overall oral health seriously, you should be protecting your gums as well as your teeth. Without the right support, an infection can worsen from gingivitis to a more severe issue with periodontal disease. At this point, the problem becomes more difficult to manage, and it can jeopardize your health in more ways than you realize. Our Santa Monica, CA dental practice is ready to help patients deal with this issue. Through the combination of in-office care and good oral hygiene habits at home, you are less likely to experience problems that put your periodontal health at risk. To learn more about how we can support you, please call Santa Monica Dental Arts at 310-395-1261.