Finding A Solution With Dental Implants

Older Potter Santa Monica CAIf you have recently had a tooth extraction, or if you are facing the possibility of one in the near future, your prosthodontic replacement solution is a pivotal next step in your dental journey. Having a missing tooth can lead to anxiety and social discomfort, before any discussion of your smile’s functionality. The loss of a valuable part of your bite can also pose lasting issues with the health of your dentistry going forward, so speak with your team about your options.

One solution that is becoming more popular by the day is the placement of a new dental implant. This process uses a durable titanium rod to serve as a post for a permanent prosthetic tooth, which can be changed out for a larger solution, if you should lose more teeth in the future. An implant approach also builds its stability from an unparalleled connection to the jaw, unlike other appliance-based restorative treatments. Speak with your team at Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA and learn more about the ways that dental implants could help you to smile with pride!

How Dental Implants Gain Strength From The Bone

The dental implant process is as successful as it is due to a biological mechanism known as osseointegration. For a very small number of materials, your body accepts small pieces of it within the bone, growing together with a strong bond. Titanium is one of only a select few metals that interact with the human immune system in this way, and its application in the healthcare world has truly changed the game. In limb replacement surgeries, the connection between bone and metal is strong enough that it has created a new form of sense. This feeling is known to be similar to touch, and it comes as a result of the brain sensing the vibrations in the titanium.

An Approach That Allows You To Adapt In the Future

Through the use of durable titanium posts, dental implants provide a solution that you can keep in future instances of loss. With some other appliance-based prosthodontic repairs, they rely upon the strength of your remaining teeth. In your situation, you may not be able to count on your existing teeth to take on additional stress of daily chewing.

Instead, a dental implant post can become part of a larger repair in the future. Whether you need one tooth or a full mouth of implant-supported dentures, this process can give you a smile repair that fits your needs.

Beautiful New Dental Implants In Santa Monica

A titanium post can be a part of a more extensive set of implant-supported dentures. Give us a call at Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA at (310)395-1261 for more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Koshki.