Fixing Awkward Teeth Spacing Problems

Is it always necessary to meet with an orthodontist if you want to straighten your teeth? For some people, a traditional approach with metal braces is needed in order to fix more severe spacing troubles. However, you and many more people can qualify for another approach, one that is more conservative and easier to fit into your current daily routine. At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we can look at how clear aligners can help you. With the right appliances, we can help you fix gaps, overlaps, and other spacing flaws that have made you unhappy with the way you look.

Poor Teeth Spacing Can Be A Difficult Problem To Hide

Until you do something about the problem, you can feel trapped by your poorly spaced teeth. Gaps and overlaps can draw unwanted attention, and the overall effect of poor spacing can leave you with an awkward, asymmetrical smile. It may be hard for you to keep these flaws hidden, but you can find that an adjustment is easier to begin than you anticipated. Our practice is ready to talk with you about the positive impact that clear appliances can have on your smile and oral health.

We Offer An Alternative To Orthodontic Work With Metal Braces

With custom-made clear aligners, we can carefully and discreetly reposition your teeth so that malocclusion is no longer a problem. We plan your treatment after taking detailed measurements with our digital imaging technology. The set of appliances that you receive will be personalized for your use, with each one taking you a step closer to your restored smile. Over your recommended period of treatment, you will wear these aligners throughout the day—while you should keep them in place on a consistent basis, you can remove them to eat and clean your teeth.

Can Veneers Hide Gaps Or Overlaps Between Your Teeth?

There are times when patients qualify for treatment with porcelain veneers to hide spacing flaws. While this makes the placement of permanent restorations necessary, it can produce results in a short time, as your veneers can be ready in just two visits. To minimize preparatory work and changes to your enamel, we can determine if you are a good candidate for care with Lumineers, a thinner alternative to traditional porcelain veneers.

Talk To Your Santa Monica, CA Dentist About Fixing Your Issues With Poor Teeth Spacing

When poor teeth spacing affects an individual’s smile, it can be hard for them to feel at ease with their appearance. Fortunately, this is something that we can address. With your clear aligners, you can gradually make the adjustments needed to improve the way you look, and you can do so without drawing unwanted attention due to the presence of a visible orthodontic appliance. If you would like to find out more, call Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA today at 310-395-1261.