How Veneers Provide Cosmetic Solutions

Whether you have several glaring flaws or one issue that you feel holds you back from sharing your best smile with the world, you can find that one procedure is all you need to see major improvements. At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we offer porcelain veneers as one of our cosmetic services. Through the use of these custom restorations, we can resolve many different issues in just a short time, and while only requiring minimal changes to tooth structure. We are happy to help you understand how this service can benefit you, or we can work with you on finding another treatment option to give you the improvements you really want to show off.

What Changes Would You Like To Make To Your Smile?

You can bring up different concerns about your smile to us and find out how we can take them on. What may surprise you is that even if you have several changes you want to make, you may only require a single procedure to see the results that you want. This is because porcelain veneers are capable of covering teeth in a way that delivers significant changes while only requiring minimal changes to your tooth structure. They are placed on the front surfaces of teeth to hide discoloration, dental damage, problems with spacing, and more!

Planning Your Treatment With Porcelain Veneers

To make sure that you have the right results from treatment, your work with porcelain veneers will begin with a preparatory appointment. During this visit, we can both take the detailed measurements we need for your restorations and provide preparatory work for your teeth. At your follow-up visit, which will take place when your veneers are ready, we will adhere your restorations permanently to their proper locations. At this point, you can show off a smile that is more symmetrical, bright, and attractive!

We Can Review Your Other Options For Cosmetic Work

There are different options for cosmetic dental work that are available to you. These include the option to receive Lumineers, a thinner alternative restoration that can still take on many different issues at one time. You can also look at options such as work with clear aligners to fix problems with poor spacing, or we can recommend a teeth whitening treatment to help you focus on the issue of dental discoloration.

Talk To Your Santa Monica, CA Dentist About Cosmetic Solutions With Porcelain Veneers!

With porcelain veneers, we can help you take on issues with your appearance that cause you to lack confidence. If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, or if there is any other that you want to know more about, please call Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA today at 310-395-1261.