Keeping Your Smile Bright Over Time

As you pick up more and more enamel stains, you can feel yourself losing confidence in your smile, and in your overall appearance. When you try to fight this problem on your own, the impact you see can be limited. Unfortunately, as stains settle over time, they can become difficult to remove through brushing, or even through store bought whitening treatments. Fortunately, there is something more you can do—you can discuss teeth whitening treatment with your Santa Monica, CA dentist! In addition to providing a single-appointment treatment to make your teeth brighter, we can talk to you about using a take-home kit to continually provide touchups that fight new issues with discoloration.

Why Am I Having Problems With Dental Discoloration?

The frustrating issue with dental discoloration is that it is caused by more than one or two items. Foods and drinks that are dark or rich in color can leave behind particles on your teeth that build up gradually and hurt the way that you look. As these stains continue to accumulate, they can become both hard to ignore and hard to remove. When you let your dentist know that you are interested in teeth whitening treatment, you can find out about an effective solution, as well as how you can keep fighting new stains over time.

Planning Your Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

Your professional teeth whitening treatment can take care of your smile if you are bothered by worsening discoloration. We rely on advanced bleaching agents as well as a special light that will stimulate this material and deliver results in less time. When you leave your appointment, you can show off marvelous improvements, as your enamel can appear many shades brighter than they once did.

In addition to giving you an initial means of fighting discoloration, we can provide a special treatment kit that will help you keep fighting new stains on your own. We provide a set of custom trays, and can give you access to whitening agents that you can use periodically to deal with discoloration that has gathered.

What Can I Do If My Internal Tooth Structure Is Discolored?

For people who have issues with discoloration due to changes to their tooth structure, teeth whitening treatment can be less effective. However, you can do something about this problem with another cosmetic service. Many people affected by this problem can have porcelain veneers put in place to hide blemishes caused by intrinsic issues. These thin restorations can also help you cover up embarrassing dental damage, problems with teeth spacing, and more!

Talk To Your Santa Monica, CA Dentist About Teeth Whitening Treatment!

Through teeth whitening treatment, you can see remarkable smile improvements in as little as one appointment. In addition to treating you in the office, our practice can provide a customized whitening kit to use at home to fight future problems with discoloration. If you would like to find out more, call Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA today at 310-395-1261.