Protecting Your Family’s Smiles With Checkups

santa monica dental checkupsWhen was the last time you stopped by for a dental checkup and cleaning? These preventive treatments may seem minor, but they can actually offer protection for your smile from issues like tooth decay and gum disease. In today’s blog, your Santa Monica, CA, dentist talks about our checkup and cleaning visits.

The Value of a Regular Checkup Visit

When you see us every six months for a checkup, we can catch serious concerns like tooth decay and even gum disease in the early stages often before you develop painful symptoms. We then treat the concerns with less intensive solutions. We will examine your smile using digital x-rays and intraoral cameras to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. Our team will watch for concerns like cavities, infections, gingivitis, and gum disease, as well as TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). We also screen for oral cancer too.

Children’s Exams

For kids, we know how to help them feel calm and relaxed when they visit our office. We also use digital technology to make a diagnosis with accuracy and precision, and to help the spend less time in the chair. We will answer their questions and concerns too, so they feel listened to and heard, and won’t feel anxious about their next visit. We will look for issues like tooth decay and gingivitis, and also with concerns regarding the eruption and loss of baby teeth, and the arrival of permanent ones, to help limit the risk of misalignment and the need for orthodontics down the road.

Professional Dental Cleanings

In the same visit, we will also clean the teeth for kids and adults alike. Plaque and tartar buildup can occur that coats the teeth and can’t be removed with brushing and flossing alone. Without removal these layers are linked to bad breath, teeth stains, cavities, and periodontal concerns. With an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick, we can gently and thoroughly remove all plaque and tartar for the teeth to help improve oral health. We then polish the teeth to help limit how easily plaque and tartar can adhere to the teeth before the next cleaning visit. We can also discuss ways to improve your oral hygiene at home to keep your smile strong in between visits.

If you have any questions about how our team conducts a checkup and cleaning for patients of all ages, then contact our team today to learn more. We look forward to seeing you and offering better oral health and brighter smiles for years to come.

Learn More About Preventive Dental Care

To find out more about protecting smiles with preventive treatment, or to schedule your appointment for a consultation, give us a call today at Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA at (310)395-1261.