Successful Care With Custom Restorations

Whether you want to undergo cosmetic dentistry or have concerns about your oral health as well as your appearance, dental restorations can offer valuable benefits. At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we can talk to you about your goals for care and recommend the right approach. With porcelain veneers or Lumineers, we can focus specifically on work to improve the way you look. Porcelain dental crowns are effective at improving your smile as well as your oral health. With your treatment options, you can see the benefits you truly want and enjoy those changes over the course of many years!

We Can Carefully Plan Your Treatment With Custom Restorations

Custom restorations are capable of making many exciting improvements to the way you look. Veneers offer a more conservative treatment option, one that will specifically focus on improvements for your smile. With dental crowns, we can make positive changes to the way you look, as we can make teeth look brighter, more uniform, and a better fit with the rest of your teeth. The added benefit to this service is that we can provide better bite support. With careful imaging technology, we can gather detailed information to use in the creation of custom restorations.

Using Veneers And Lumineers To Make Improvements To Your Smile

Both porcelain veneers and Lumineers can help people show off truly exciting smile improvements. The difference between the two concerns the size of your restorations, as Lumineers are slimmer, which means they can require less preparatory work. Both cover the front surfaces of teeth to address concerns about discoloration, problems with enamel wear and tear or damage, and issues with chipping or cracking. They can also cover problems with gaps or overlaps that look awkward and draw undesired attention.

Protecting Vulnerable Teeth With Custom Crowns

With custom dental crowns, we can make improvements to the way you look and also take care of issues with your oral health. In addition to providing support after a cavity, a crown can improve your appearance by restoring a tooth that’s misshapen, broken, discolored, or undersized. The porcelain material that we use is effective at both protecting your oral health and preserving your appearance.

Talk To Your Santa Monica, CA Dentist About Treatment With Custom Restorations

Custom restorations are capable of providing exciting changes to your smile. With the right procedure, we can correct flaws in the shape, size, and color of teeth that hold back your appearance. We can discuss the advantages of both veneers and crowns, as each can provide advantages that patients can find appealing. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you improve your appearance and oral health, call Santa Monica Dental Arts in Santa Monica, CA today at 310-395-1261.