Cosmetic Work For An Incomplete Smile

Tooth loss can be a significant problem for more than just cosmetic reasons, but it is hard to deny the impact that the gap in your smile has on the way you look. If the matter is not treated, you can simply feel stuck with a less attractive appearance, and you can grow frustrated at how tooth loss negatively impacts your bite function and oral health. Fortunately, effective treatment options are available. You can make an appointment at our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office to find out how implant dentistry can help you. Through this approach, we can permanently support a restoration with an implant post that will offer lasting support for a lifelike appliance that can offer bite support as well as cosmetic benefits. (more…)

Dental Visits And Gum Disease Prevention

There are several reasons why you should keep to a commitment to see your dentist on a regular basis. One is that when you do so, you can count on protection against gum disease. Problems with this condition can be more serious than you realize, which is why timely intervention is beneficial. At a routine dental exam, our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office can provide support for patients who have issues with gingivitis. When a more serious problem with gum disease needs to be dealt with, we can recommend that you meet with our on-site specialist to ensure that you receive the right support! (more…)

Lumineers And Conservative Cosmetic Care

What are you really asking your dentist to do when you ask to arrange cosmetic dental work? How much impact will treatment have on your tooth structure, and how long will it take for you to see the results that you want? At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we can provide dazzling results through conservative treatment when we provide the option of covering flaws with Lumineers. Through the use of these thin alternatives to traditional veneers, we can take on discoloration, problems with teeth that are misshapen or the wrong size, and even issues with spacing! (more…)

Will Your Results From Whitening Treatment Last?

You can be both eager to see improvements from teeth whitening treatment and concerned about how long your results will last. One thing to remember is that your hygiene efforts and diet choices will influence how effectively you prevent the accumulation of new stains. Another is that different approaches to caring for your smile can lead to different benefits. By choosing a teeth whitening treatment provided by your dentist, you can see more exciting changes to the way you look, as your treatment can remove tougher stains. Our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office can provide results through a professional cosmetic treatment in the office, and we can help you follow it up by providing you with a take-home kit that helps you fight future stains! (more…)

Can Crowns Make Smiles More Attractive?

If you have dental problems, you can expect that your dentist will recommend treatment. The right procedure can certainly have important benefits for your well-being, but you may worry about how it impacts your smile. What you can find is that through the placement of a porcelain dental crown, your smile and oral health can be improved! Our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office is able to provide these restorations when patients have issues with decay, and we can also use them to address trouble with teeth that are damaged, misshapen, or not the right size to contribute properly to your bite function. (more…)

Fixing Awkward Teeth Spacing Problems

Is it always necessary to meet with an orthodontist if you want to straighten your teeth? For some people, a traditional approach with metal braces is needed in order to fix more severe spacing troubles. However, you and many more people can qualify for another approach, one that is more conservative and easier to fit into your current daily routine. At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we can look at how clear aligners can help you. With the right appliances, we can help you fix gaps, overlaps, and other spacing flaws that have made you unhappy with the way you look. (more…)

What You Gain From Implant Dentistry

Losing teeth means losing your comfort with your smile, losing stability in your bite function, and losing support for your overall oral health. Fortunately, the right approach to care can address these losses and provide lasting benefits! Through implant dentistry, our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office is prepared to help you take back confidence in your smile and oral health. This arrangement ensures that your prosthetic stays in place, as it is held in position with a carefully set implant post. After your procedure concludes, we can provide ongoing oral health support to ensure that you preserve your positive changes. (more…)