3 Things To Know About Invisalign

When your teeth are not properly aligned, it can be difficult for you to show off a fully confident smile. Though you may not realize it, you can also have a harder time maintaining your oral health because of this problem! The good news is that orthodontic work does not always mean wearing metal braces for an extended period of time. Through treatment with Invisalign aligners, we can make your experience with corrective work easier. Our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office uses advanced digital technology to measure teeth so that we can plan precise corrective work that includes carefully designed clear aligners. (more…)

Poor Gum Health Can Lead To Tooth Loss

When you fail to take the health of your gums seriously, the consequences can surprise you. One issue that you will have to watch out for is tooth loss. You might not realize it, but people who lose their teeth often do so because they are dealing with poor periodontal health. As time passes, harmful bacteria can destroy more of the tissues that provide important support, which leads to teeth feeling loose, and ultimately making extractions necessary. Our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office is here to help. With our on-site periodontist, we can make sure patients with more severe gum disease issues have access to the right support. (more…)

How Cosmetic Restorations Change Smiles

The cosmetic dental services that our Santa Monica, CA dental office provides can take on many different esthetic concerns. What can you hope to accomplish if you come to us for treatment to improve your smile? With custom veneers or Lumineers, we can make significant changes by making teeth look more uniform, making them appear whiter, and even by hiding some spacing issues! Cosmetic restorations are slim enough to fit in place while only requiring minimal changes. With that said, they are also durable enough to ensure that the improvements you seek last. If you prefer to pursue cosmetic treatment without restorations, we can discuss alternative solutions to your problems. (more…)

Providing A Durable, Custom-Made Dental Crown

If you need to treat a problem with a damaged tooth, or if you have a cavity that is too severe for a dental filling, our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office is ready to help you. In these situations, we provide custom porcelain dental crowns that cap teeth to protect them against damage or infection. The coverage offers more than just health support, as these restorations can closely imitate your healthy teeth and improve your smile! With our digital imaging technology, we can take the kind of detailed measurements that ensure your restoration is the right shape, size, and overall look to benefit your smile and stay secure. (more…)

Effectively Managing Serious Gum Disease

There are more problems to worry about than dental decay if you want to effectively manage your oral health. People sometimes overlook the importance of keeping their gums healthy. Unfortunately, this can mean ignoring signs of a potentially serious infection, one that can raise their risk for tooth loss and make them more susceptible to general health problems! Your Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office is here to help you protect yourself. In addition to providing services that lower your risk for gingivitis, we can take care of you if you already have a more severe infection. Our on-site periodontist can provide laser services that manage your condition and keep you safe from potential difficulties. (more…)

Address Spacing Flaws To Improve Your Smile

Teeth spacing issues can affect some people from childhood, though problems with teeth shifting can sometimes happen at a later date. The good news is that there are services that can help, including services that do not make conventional metal braces necessary. At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we can recommend that patients with crooked, poorly spaced, or otherwise misaligned teeth rely on clear aligners for treatment. Invisalign clear aligners are custom-made appliances that move teeth into position so that your smile looks more symmetrical and attractive. In some cases, we can also hide spacing flaws with carefully placed custom veneers. (more…)

Planning Significant Smile Improvements

If you want to change your smile in ways that feel significant, it can be harder to start discussing treatment options. People who have an interest in cosmetic dentistry can convince themselves that the results they want are simply out of reach, that the path to their ideal appearance is simply too long, costly, or involved to follow. As you learn more about your treatment options, you can find out just how much one treatment can actually do for you. At our Santa Monica, CA dentist’s office, we can recommend services based on patients’ current smile conditions, as well as their goals for improvement. To make several changes at one time, we can recommend that you receive custom porcelain veneers or Lumineers. (more…)